About Us
At Southern Magnolia Labradoodles, we strive to provide people with the opportunity to grow and love an Australian Labradoodle. The temperament is “extremely clever, sociable, comical, and joyful. Energetic when free and quiet when handled. Should approach people in a happy friendly manner. Keen and easy to train. Should display an intuition about emotional state of family members or handler’s current emotional state or needs. This ability to ‘know’ is what has made the Australian Labradoodle an excellent dog for individuals with special needs.” The genetic makeup of The Australian Labradoodles consist of Labrador retriever, Irish Water Spaniel, Poodle, American Cocker Spanish and English Cocker Spaniel.
Our dogs aren't treated as an ordinary pet, they are family. Our doodles live in the house with us, ensuring they receive the upmost attention and training these wonderful dogs deserve. We are lucky enough to have our girls residing in our homes or other family members homes, giving these pups the best life they could imagine. This also gives their pups maximum exposure to what it is like living in a house and being raised around a family.
So the million dollar question everyone wants to know is how did we choose Australian Labradoodles? Think way back to when you were in elementary school and learned about the 5W's.
Who, What, Where, When & Why
Who- Southern Magnolia Labradoodles is a family owned and operated business. Our dogs are born and raised in the country, where they can run and be care free. We strive to provide the upmost care and quality of life for our doodles and want to ensure their forever homes are capable of doing the same.
Why- Dogs have played a important role in our lives teaching us responsibility, loyalty, and friendship. We have been lucky enough to enjoy different breeds, mixes and rescues that were each loved and cherished. However it wasn't until we had our first Australian Labradoodle that we realized what an amazing breed they are and how much they have to offer our family. That is why we decided to raise this wonderful breed and let others experience how these Australian Labradoodles can change their lives.
What- So what is it exactly that makes these dogs so special and different from all other breeds. To us, one of the first qualities we discovered was their personalities. Their personalities are "one of a kind!" They are truly a loyal, fun loving, social, adventurous, bright and most importantly affectionate breed. These pooches have a friendly attitude and get along great with other pets and children. These dogs form tight relationships with your family and enjoy their company. They are also very athletic, agile and intelligent which makes them easy to train.
Australian Labradoodles also are born with certain genetic traits that so many other breeds lack. These dogs are non-shedding, hypo-allergenic, and have asthma/allergy friendly coats.
Where- Southern Magnolia Labradoodles is located near Omega, Oklahoma. Omega is a small town in Northwest Oklahoma, just a quick 45 minute drive from Oklahoma City, Edmond, Norman or Moore. Our home is where the pavement ends and the red dirt begins. Our pooches get to experience and learn from the farm life before heading to their forever homes.
When- Our adventure with Australian Labradoodles began in 2019 and our love for the breed has grown everyday we spend with these precious dogs. These have truly been the best dogs we have had the opportunity to share our lives with and it is that reason why we are passionate about creating more great exposure for this wonderful breed.